Regular Activities

Justice of the Peace Service
The Justice of the Peace is operating on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10.00am to 12.00pm.
Outside of these hours please refer to
to find a JP in your area.

Table Tennis
Every Wednesday we have a table tennis session from 9am to 11.30am in our main hall. Bats and balls are provided.
Contact us if you are interested in being involved or just drop into the hall on Wednesday morning.

North Wellington SeniorNet Learning Centre
North Wellington SeniorNet Learning Centre is based at the Johnsonville Community Centre. For information about membership and the monthly course schedule visit

Free Social Drama Group for Seniors
Free social drama group for seniors.
Voice Arts runs a free social drama group for seniors every Thursday from 1 – 2:30pm.
Check out the video which tells you what it is all about. We look forward to seeing you there!

Craft Group
The Craft group is free and open for anyone to join. So if you are interested in learning to knit or crochet or have skills you would like to share with others or would just like to have some fun why not come along and join in.
The group meet on Wednesdays from 10:30am to 12:30pm – tea and coffee is provided..

Angela Goodall Dance Academy
Classes are run out of our main hall (Moorefield Road Entrance). Angela offers classes in Jazz, Hip Hop, Ballet, Contemporary and Tap.
Classes range from Pre-Schoolers through to college students. If you would like more information about Dance classes, please email angelagoodalldance@xtra.co.nz

Five Crowns,
Rummikub, etc
When: Wednesday's
Everyone is welcome,
bring a friend!!!

Knitting Group
Knitting for the Wellington Hospital Neo Natal Unit and other general patients.
The group meets monthly on the last Wednesday each month from 1.00pm to 2.30pm.

Xiang Cong
A form of Qigong (a practice to cultivate and balance qi (chi) or what has been translated as ‘life energy’) which is easy to learn and can be practiced standing or sitting.
Free classes every Monday from 11.30 am to 12.30pm.

Shut Up and Dance Classes
Classes are held Monday evenings from 7.45pm to 8.30pm in the hall. Every class is different, and a surprise, so everyone’s as clueless as each other. Oh, and there’s no mirrors, so the clumsiest of us get to enjoy dancing for how good it feels, not how it looks.
For more information and to enrol visit their website:-

NZ Blood Service
Save a Life – Give blood. The NZ Blood Service will be at the Centre to collect blood on 15th April 2025. Appointments are preferred and will take priority.
Please call 0800 448 325 to book one today. Please remember to bring ID.

Focus Futures
Are your basic language skills holding you back?
Join our Free English class at the Johnsonville Community Centre! We offer a supportive environment to enhance your language abilities, improve communication, build confidence, increase social connections, engage in a multicultural learning experience, and unlock new opportunities.
Phone SMS txt: 021 163 5635

Kiwi Community Assistance
This is for Kiwis working together to reduce poverty in our communities. Johnsonville Community Centre is a drop off point for donations of items such as food and clothing.
If you have donations for Kiwi Community Assistance please drop them off here on Monday to Friday – 8.30am – 4pm.
For more information visit www.kca.org.nz

Northern Suburbs Liaison Meeting
This is an informal meeting for community groups and businesses to network and share information about what is happening in the community. It is held at the Centre on the first Wednesday of each month from 12noon to 1pm from February to November.

Drama Therapy
Bas van der Hoeven conducts a drama therapy program at the Community Centre for clients with brain injuries, aspergers, the intellectually disabled, bipolar, conduct disorder and other psychological conditions.
For more information contact Bas on 04 233 0440 or bas@dramatherapy.co.nz or visit www.dramatherapy.co.nz.
Appointments available Monday to Friday 9am to 7pm

Northern Suburbs Travel Club
The club meets in Room 4 at 7:30pm on the third Wednesday of each month. Speakers from around the world bring a wide range of travel destinations alive with their pictorial presentations and travel experiences.
Visitors are welcome!
Contact Ed Crampton ph 027 206 6435

Tai Chi
Classes are held in the main hall every Wednesday. Intermediate from 1pm to 2pm and beginners from 2pm to 3pm. These lessons are designed to teach “Self Defence against Falls” in your day-to-day living and are a form of Tai Chi suited to arthritis sufferers. The charge is $4.

Early Impressions Childcare
Monday-Friday 8.30am-2.30pm
Education and care by qualified teachers for children aged 13 months-5 years.
We believe in supporting, encouraging and guiding the well-being and growth of each child’s learning journey.
We welcome visitors at anytime, just pop in!
Ph: (04) 478 7553

Legal Advice (Drop-In)
We have an outreach clinic on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month from 1-2pm.
Legal Issues we can help with include: Work and Income disputes, ACC, Employment, Housing, Debt Disputes, Criminal Matters / The Police, Family Disputes, Maori Land and more....
Wendy Dawson, MNZCCA – Counselling (adults,couples and adolescents)
Wendy has been counselling for over 10 years. She helps with issues such as relationship issues, depression, anxiety, grief and loss, anger, abuse, PTSD, work place conflict, stress management, self esteem, communication skills and adolescent issues. She provides a safe, accepting and non-judgemental environment for you to work through your issues.
Contact Wendy on 021 124 3508 or wendy565@gmail.com

WellElder provides physically and financially accessible specialist counselling for people aged 60 and over (55 and over if Maori or Pasifika) living in the Capital & Coast District Health Board area. Appointments are held at the Johnsonville Community Centre as well as their office in Newtown and community centres in Porirua and Paraparaumu, and in clients’ homes and rest homes when mobility is an issue.
For more information visit http://wellelder.nz
Appointments and other enquires contact the Office on 04 380 2440
Open Tuesday – Thursday 8am – 5pm

Kai Cooker
You can borrow the Kai Cooker from the Johnsonville Community Centre for free to help with catering for neighbourhood and community events – there is a $50 bond.
The MultiKai cooker has 4 baskets and can cook for up to 40 people.
Multicooker Kai Cooker info and recipes
For more information contact the Centre on 478 8628 or info@johnsonvillecommunitycentre.org.nz

Royden's Suzuki Guitar Studio
Lessons cater to each child and focus on encouragement, enjoyment and ensuring progress at a pace which is suited to each student's development.
For more information contact
Email: royden.smith@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roydenguitar/